Dress warmly or use a space heater in the meantime, we will get you warm again ASAP.
Heat Repair
Low antifreeze? Leak in the heating system? Thermostat issues? Don’t worry, we will find a fix.
Gas Systems
Having an issue with your gas line, tank, or regulator? Give us a call and we will assist.
Signs of Heating Issues
Common heating issue warning signs may include your furnace not producing enough heat, drastic temperature changes, furnace system cracks, cold water, ignition problems, a bugged thermostat, and more. Give us a ring, we will get it sorted out.
Heating Solutions
If you notice any issues with your heating system, it is time to give Leon Clapper and our professionals a call.
Furnace Repair Heat Production Maintenance Clogged Furnace Filter Replacement Furnace Pilot Light / Ignition Thermostat Repair
Gas Lines & Regulators Gas Tanks Antifreeze Replacement Boiler Repair Hot Water Issue Maintenance